Susceptibility Artifact Correction in Echo Planar Imaging

The aim of this project is to test a new approach for susceptibility artifact correction in echo planar imaging (EPI). Modeling the EPI-typical deformations along the phase encoding gradient together with mass preserving registration techniques is in focus of this project.
Scientists involved:
- Lars Ruthotto, formerly Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing, now Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science, University of British Columbia
- L. Ruthotto, H. Kugel, J. Olesch, B. Fischer, J. Modersitzki, M. Burger und C. H. Wolters, Diffeomorphic susceptibility artifact correction of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images, Phys. Med. Biol. 57, 5715–31 (2012)

- Research
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Landmark Detection for Lung Registration
- Artifact Correction in Echo Planar Imaging
- Motion Correction in Cardiac PET